
Application Please complete this form, when you submit payment.  The membership year runs from April 1 to March 31.


Education & Networking: Regular opportunities for members to engage in professional improvement and networking designed for educational enrichment. (Fee for non-members)

Calendar of Events: Online events calendar where only members are able to add information about upcoming events.

Creation of New Networks: Specialized networks such as our “Grant Guru” network, created for grant-writing professionals, are available for peer to peer learning. These networks have access to the full resources of the Association.

Bi-weekly E-Newsletter Access: The e-newsletter lists your upcoming events, job opportunities, new employee announcements, relevant articles and research. Only members can submit information for publication in our e-newsletter which 242+ subscribers receive.

Online Membership Directory: Our online membership directory allows members easy access to further their personal network and increase professional relationships.

Access to Community Leaders: Regular events are designed as a venue for nonprofit professionals to network with leaders of the Cedar Valley community.

Collective Voice: A ready avenue for nonprofit professionals to come together and speak out about issues that affect the sector.

Exploration: Opportunities to explore shared products, resources and services that help our organizations and community.